Book Outline Template Guide
Get your book planning and brainstorming session off to a great start with the Book Outline Template Guide.
The Book Outline Template Guide is a comprehensive tool that provides authors with:
- A thorough walkthrough of the story structure process
- Character, conflict, narrative arc, plot & plot point development
- Foundational elements to build and set the scene for chapter creation
- Goal setting to help define and set realistic goals to fit within your busy schedule and keep you on track
- Methods to account for success & improvement
- Tools to increase writing efficiency
- Key tips to start the brainstorming process from high-level story planning to the intricate details of chapter planning
- Four comprehensive templates to assist authors in planning their next writing project
- Visual diagrams to reiterate concepts
This ebook is an essential and practical guide to assist authors of all experience levels on their literary journey.
Book Outline Template Guide